Fort Ann, NY (Washington County)
The area around Fort Ann, NY was once called Hogtown (accounts as to why differ, but the moniker may have roots in the practice of farmers allowing their hogs to forage freely in the woods in winter). Hogtown Road connects Route 16 to Shelving Rock Road, climbing over 1,000 feet in the process. The road parallels streams that drain into Mt. Hope Brook and some of these can be quite lively depending on the time of year. The surface is mostly dirt and gravel, occasionally loose or marred with washboards. Grades exceed 10% in several places, making this a challenge for cyclists looking to test their fitness or prepare for spring gravel rides. Hogtown Road meets Sly Pond Road/Shelving Rock Road at its northern terminus. Heading south down Sly Pond Road (also mostly dirt) is a well-earned joy ride back to civilization.

Vital stats:
4 mi +1,087 ft / -116 ft

Look for: Wildflowers, waterfalls
Possible loop: The Whole (Bear) Hog
Nearby dirt: Sly Pond Road, Shelving Rock Road, Burquist Road (if looping back towards Glens Falls)
Surface: Packed dirt and gravel
Bike: Gravel bike